
Clinical Psychologist Mr. Michael Wang discusses issues people may experience with anxiety. Typically, we have concerns and worries in life, which is normal. As Michael suggests this motivates us to take action e.g if you worried about a upcoming exam, you may be motivated to study for it, if you want to do well. Anxiety comes when the worry is at an irrational degree causing behavioural issues. There are different types of anxiety; generalised anxiety which is anxiety about everyday factors such as finances, relationships, work. Then there are specific forms of anxiety such as panic, phobias, social anxiety, OCD, and health anxiety. Anxiety can be paired with avoidance which leads to changes in the quality of life, this can be a sign that you're experiencing anxiety. Michael shares some simple tips to help reduce anxiety. But if you feel it is at a point that help is needed, the first step is to speak with your GP to get a referral.



