Bronwyn Tarrant

MA (PsychStud), MN (Mental Health), BN, BA, DipAppSc (Nur), BCETS, Associate Fellow NYIRET,MCNA, MACMHN, RN

Bronwyn has worked in child and adolescent mental health for thirty years in specialist psychotherapy roles in public, community and private sectors seeing inpatients, day patients and outpatients.

Her expertise is working with young persons experiencing complex presentations related to psychological trauma, eating or substance issues, with developmental or emergent personality problems.

As a clinician Bronwyn brings specialist CBT training to her work with children, adolescents and their families.  As an educator Bronwyn has received national citations for her using eLearning to bridge the theory-practice gap in mental health.

Bronwyn was lead consultant on the Red Cross ‘After the Emergency’ project that won national, international and global awards for using technology to deliver mental health resources to young people impacted by disasters.

In 2014 Bronwyn was recognised with Honorary Life Membership of the Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies for her work as Editor of the journal Stress Points.


Khatira Gudaz


Alex Cameron